A Literary Magazine in Support of the Jewish Community

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The Red Triangle by Margaret Dornaus

The Red Triangle

There it is. The missing piece to the jigsaw I’ve worked on for a lifetime. The answer to so many childish questions: Who am I? Who are you? Where do we come from? The long-lost relative I never knew I’d been looking for suddenly thrust on my doorstep, or through my window. Like yesterday’s news. The solution random as some acts of cruelty. Or kindness.


identity card

an inverted red triangle

stamped next to his name

his number, his camp, the words—

political            prisoner

Margaret Dornaus

Margaret Dornaus was born in Oklahoma to parents who believed in carefully guarding family secrets. These days she tries to tell her truth and theirs from her home in the Arkansas River Valley. A Best of the Net nominee and a semi-finalist in Naugatuck River Review’s 13th Annual Narrative Poetry Contest, Dornaus received a 2017 Merit Book Award from the Haiku Society of America for her first book of poetry, Prayer for the Dead: Collected Haibun & Tanka Prose. Her poems appear in numerous anthologies and journals, including: I-70 Review, MacQueen’s Quinterly, MockingHeart Review, The Ekphrastic Review, The Lindenwood Review, and in several of Silver Birch Press’ poetry series.



Margaret Dornaus